Why Vir Das Is NOT Funny, His “I Come From Two Indias” Is Rather The Painful Reality Of India

Loy Machedo
2 min readNov 19, 2021

On 15th November 2021, A video titled “I come from two Indias” was uploaded on Vir Das youtube channel ‘Vir Das COMEDY’. Given that he has around 716,000 subscribers, one would have expected him to hit a low of 300,000 views to 1 million views at its max. However, this video ended up becoming a viral sensation or controversy if you can call it and ended up being talked about and discussed in every Twitter conversation, every news channel and by almost every influential Indian possible.

Every Indian had an opinion on it.

Some loved it.

Others absolutely hated it.

And because of the video, Vir Das ended up in hot water with many influential Indians registering an FIR against him — which will absolutely cause a lot of legal issues for him.

So is he guilty of insulting the nation or is he a hero for bringing awareness to the pressing issues of the country he belongs to?

In this video, I’ve shared my thoughts and views on Vir Das’s “I come from two Indias”

Watch the video and let me know if you agree with what I have to say or not.

Good, bad or ugly — I would love to read your thoughts.

Loy Machedo

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Why Vir Das Is NOT Funny Because I Come From Two Indias Monologue Is The Painful Reality Of India

Video 5168:

#VirDas #Truth #India #Indians #IndiaToday

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(Article Number 8)



Loy Machedo

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