Coaching Business — Business or BullSh*t?

Loy Machedo
4 min readSep 5, 2018

I’m an Online Coach who specializes in Personal Branding.

Few weeks ago I joined 8 online Coaching groups on Facebook and this is what I discovered…..

  1. Everyone in the group
    - was an Expert at Coaching,
    - had a amazing website,
    - many testimonials where they changed and transformed peoples lives
    - And most importantly — were making 6-figure incomes per month
  2. ALL OF THEM had one thing in common….
    - They were once poor (very poor or super poor) JUST LIKE ME…..
  3. Then the moment of magic happened when….
    - They found a “SECRET” formula/system/step-by-step strategy
    - OR They found a ‘SECRET’ mentor
  4. And because of that “SECRET”, they were now…
    - living the life of his dreams
    - traveling around the world
    - had a big expensive house, car, business, babes & everything else
  5. But now….because of their Kindness & Big Heart….
    Almost all the coaches coach were offering potential new comer coaches how to earn a 6-figure income. The prices of the courses ranged from $997 to $4,000
  6. And the course consisted of….
    - Articles
    - Videos
    - Webinars
    - Facebook group membership

Funny thing was….in the group…only one person was poor.

I was living a life of my dreams….but sadly, I was earning only 4 to 5 figure income per month.

I was an average guy.

So out of curiosity — I snooped around to spy a bit more and find out….who else had the intention like me to become a 6-figure per month coach?

I found a few….

  • Hair-Dresser who now took the course to become a “Wellness Coach”
  • 16 year old who borrowed from his friends to take a $499 course on how to become a Millionaire on “Shopify”
  • 22-year-old girl who lived with Mummy & Daddy as she was rich and didn’t need a job. But who wanted to consult businesses how to ‘double their revenue’. And her approach was to read articles online & gain expertise in becoming an expert ‘Business Coach’
  • Young man from Pakistan who ran a Digital Agency online and had this flashy website…but when I spoke to him in Urdu (local language), he told me he didn’t have any agency as such. He was just working as a freelancer. And ran his operations from a Local Internet Cafe.
  • Russian female based in the Middle East who was apparently “certified” as a Life Coach, Speaking Coach, Happiness Coach, NLP Coach, Image Coach, Confidence Coach & Evolution Coach (no idea what that is)

Did I mention — I also found a few competitors in my industry — a few other Personal Branding Strategist…..

  • One was an 53 year old Librarian who decided that Personal Branding was his Niche.
  • One was a model who did a few adverts and now she realized that since she knew how to dress up and look presentable — she was a Personal Branding Coach
  • One was them was working at McDonalds and told me that Garyvee’s youtube videos spoke to him and convinced him his calling was in the Personal Branding Industry
  • One of them was a dishwasher and who had saved up enough money and had now moved to Bali to start his life as a Personal Branding & Spiritual Discovery “Monk”
  • One was a graphic designer for a company. And he assumed because he had been designing logo’s since 5 years, he was also a Branding Expert
  • And my favorite one……A young Indian fan of mine who was honest enough to tell me he was copying my content & selling it for money. (He let me know he always wanted to be honest & truthful with me)

And ever since, that day…..thanks to the AI of the online companies — now I see frequent adverts of

  • Tai Lopez,
  • John Crestani,
  • Grant Cardon,
  • Dan Lok
  • Dan Pena

On my facebook feed, youtube adverts and smartphone every single day…. How they were also once poor like me….
but now they all earn 6-figure, 7-figure or 8-figure incomes.

I especially like the fact that in their videos all of them are kind enough to show me their ……

  • Super Expensive Car Collection
  • Super Expensive Large House
  • Super Expensive Private Jet
  • Super Expensive Locations

BUT PLEASE REMEMBER…. they were once poor JUST LIKE ME.
And now they will teach me how to be rich like them….
In 67 steps (or 13 modules or 31 video sessions)
for $67 or $479 or $1,999
(Offer made available lump sum or installments)

Isn’t that simply amazing?

that they are willing to share A BILLION DOLLAR SECRET….
ONLY for $67 or $479 or $1,999

(an offer which will expire in 23 hours 59 mins if I do not give my credit card details….NOW.)

Yes Folks… Its time I also change my life
Take control of my destiny
Live the life of my dreams
Achieve the 6-figure & 7-figure income per month life
And become….yet another…..
*drum roll*



But my request….

Please be patient as I complete the 50 modules of 3 hours videos each with tons of PDF’s that will

  • Teach me how to have a website, splash page, landing page & sales funnel
  • Write a sales script,
  • Give me tons of philosophical statements & most important…
  • Ask me to spend even more money for the NEW accelerator & advanced programs as now I am eligible for a 90% discount if I upgrade.

Until then…

If you want to change your life and know the secrets….
click here & join me for a life changing seminar


Loy Machedo



Loy Machedo

ABOUT ME: Google My Name | SERVICES: ThinkPersonalBranding.Com | EMAIL: | WHATSAPP: +66–92–541–4784