5-Customer Based Lessons I’ve Learnt As An Online Consultant

Loy Machedo
1 min readAug 19, 2018
  1. Price-Sensitive Customers give you the biggest headache, maximum work & end up being least profitable. Avoid them at all costs.
  2. Trying to convince a customer to buy from you is akin to convincing a woman to fall in love with you — who doesn’t have any feelings for you. Stop making disrespecting yourself. Remember — Begging & Pleading a customer to buy from you is NOT Hustling or Selling.
  3. If a customer comes to you with a requirement — you have the upper hand. If you go to a customer with your product or service — the customer has the upper hand.
  4. Set the ground rules right from day 1. In fact, give the good, bad, ugly right upfront to avoid misunderstanding. And yeah — ALWAYS keep it in writing. Just because someone is rich doesn’t mean what he says is wisdom.
  5. If everyone is your customer — then no one will be your customer. Specialization is the key.

Loy Machedo



Loy Machedo

ABOUT ME: Google My Name | SERVICES: ThinkPersonalBranding.Com | EMAIL: loy@loymachedo.com | WHATSAPP: +66–92–541–4784